Is Buck Gay in 9-1-1? Unveiling the Surprising Twist in Buck’s Character Journey

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Written By Andrew Paul

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The hit TV series 9-1-1 has captivated audiences with its thrilling depiction of first responders in Los Angeles. At the heart of the show is Evan “Buck Buckley”, a charismatic firefighter portrayed by Oliver Stark. Buck’s journey has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but nothing could have prepared fans for the recent revelation about his sexuality. Let’s move into this unexpected twist and find what it means for Buck’s character and the show as a whole.

Profile Summary

CharacterEvan “Buck” Buckley
ActorOliver Stark
RoleFirefighter at Station 118
Key DevelopmentBuck’s exploration of his sexualityincluding a kiss with Tommy Kinard
Episode100th episode
Character BackstoryConceived as a “savior sibling” for his older brother, Daniel, who had leukemia
Impact of DevelopmentBuck’s character and provides new narrative possibilities
SignificanceRepresents a milestone storytelling on the show

Is Buck Gay in 9-1-1?

Yes, Evan “Buck” Buckley, played by Oliver Stark in 9-1-1, is portrayed as a gay character. This development became clear in the 100th episode when Buck shared a kiss with Tommy Kinard, a new character, not his best friend Eddie, as some fans had speculated. Stark, who was surprised by this storyline twist. 

Welcomed the opportunity to portray this aspect of Buck’s identity authentically. This significant moment reflects the show’s commitment to diverse and nuanced storytelling, adding depth to Buck’s character. The inclusion of Buck’s sexuality offers a more complex and realistic exploration of his personal life and relationships within the series.

Buck Came Out as Bisexual in 9-1-1 Season 7

Buck Came Out as Bisexual in 9-1-1 Season 7

In 9-1-1 Season 7, Buck made headlines by coming out as bisexual. This pivotal moment occurred in the series’ 100th episode, marking a significant development for his character. Portrayed by Oliver Stark, Buck’s revelation was a bold move, diverging from the speculated romantic storyline involving his best friend Eddie. Instead, Buck shares a meaningful kiss with Tommy Kinard, a new character introduced this season. 

This development not only adds depth to Buck’s character but also reflects the show’s commitment to diverse and authentic storytelling. Oliver Stark, who was initially surprised by this storyline, supports the portrayal, recognizing its importance in exploring Buck’s identity and relationships more fully. This narrative shift promises to enrich Buck’s journey as the series progresses.

9-1-1 Was Previously Accused of Queerbaiting

9-1-1 has faced criticism for queerbaiting, a tactic where the media suggests LGBTQ+ representation to attract viewers without delivering meaningful representation. Critics argue that the show used hints of same-sex relationships for dramatic effect without fully developing these storylines. The show’s portrayal of Evan “Buck” Buckley and his relationships, especially his recent kiss with Tommy Kinard, highlights this debate. 

Although the kiss was a significant development, some fans felt it was too little, too late, given the previous hints and lack of substantial LGBTQ+ representation. The controversy underscores the ongoing challenge for media to provide genuine, respectful representation rather than relying on suggestive elements to captivate audiences. The show seemed to play into this with:

  • Lingering glances between the characters
  • Emotionally charged scenes
  • A deep, almost familial bond between Buck, Eddie, and Eddie’s son Christopher

How Will Everyone React to Buck’s News?

Buck’s revelation about his sexuality is bound to spark a variety of reactions among the characters and fans alike. His colleagues at Station 118, known for their tight-knit bonds, will likely offer a mix of support and curiosity, reflecting their individual personalities and relationships with Buck. Eddie, who many hoped might be romantically linked with Buck, might have complex feelings, though the storyline might deepen their friendship. 

Buck’s family, especially Maddie, will play a crucial role in supporting him, balancing their own emotional responses with unconditional love. Buck’s news is expected to be met with understanding, surprise, and an opportunity for growth, highlighting the series’ commitment to exploring diverse and authentic narratives.

Reactions from Buck’s Family and Friends

Buck’s revelation of his sexuality prompts varied reactions from those closest to him. His sister, Maddie, shows unconditional support, valuing his happiness above all else. However, the news brings mixed feelings from his colleagues at Station. While some embrace Buck’s honesty, others struggle to adjust to this new aspect of his identity. 

His close friend Eddie, who was previously rumored to be a potential romantic partner, faces a period of introspection, reassessing his feelings and their friendship. Overall, Buck’s disclosure initiates a journey of acceptance and understanding among his loved ones, impacting their relationships in profound ways.

Impact on Buck’s Professional Life

Buck’s exploration of his sexuality is poised to significantly impact his professional life at Station 118. As a firefighter known for his bravery and camaraderie, this new development will test his relationships with colleagues, particularly with Eddie, who has been a close friend. The dynamic at the station may shift as Buck navigates this personal revelation while maintaining. 

His role as a dependable team member. How his coworkers react could influence team morale and Buck’s own confidence. This storyline introduces potential challenges and growth opportunities, shaping both Buck’s professional interactions and his character development within the team.

Audience and Fan Reactions

Audience and Fan Reactions

Buck’s new storyline in 9-1-1 has sparked a wide range of reactions from the audience and fans. Many viewers have expressed excitement and support for the authentic representation of Buck’s sexuality, appreciating the show’s commitment to diverse storytelling. Social media platforms have been abuzz with positive feedback, fan theories. 

Discussions about how this twist will impact future episodes. There are also mixed opinions, with some fans initially surprised by the change. Buck’s journey is generating significant engagement and conversation, reflecting the show’s impact and the audience’s investment in its characters.

Buck Investigating His Sexuality Will Get Him Out of a Groove

Evan “Buck” Buckley’s journey of exploring his sexuality on 9-1-1 is more than just a plot twist; it’s a transformative moment for his character. This development promises to pull Buck out of the emotional rut he’s been in, offering him a fresh start. By embracing his true self, Buck can break free from the confines of his previous relationships and personal struggles. 

This exploration not only enriches his character but also provides viewers with a deeper, more authentic portrayal of identity. As Buck navigates this new chapter, his growth could lead to profound changes in his life and relationships, setting the stage for compelling new storylines and personal revelations.


Buck’s portrayal as a gay character in 9-1-1 marks a significant milestone in the series, providing a richer, more nuanced exploration of his identity. The surprising twist of Buck’s kiss with Tommy Kinard in the 100th episode adds depth to his character, moving beyond previous romantic speculations. This development not only aligns with the show’s commitment to diverse storytelling. 

Also offers Buck a chance to break free from past emotional patterns. As the series progresses, viewers can look forward to seeing how this new facet of Buck’s identity influences his relationships and personal growth. This evolution reflects a broader, more inclusive approach to character development in television.

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