Is Malakai Gay in Heartbreak High? Exploring LGBTQ+ Representation in the Netflix Reboot

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Written By Andrew Paul

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Netflix’s “Heartbreak High” reboot has taken the world by storm. This fresh take on the beloved Australian series from 1994 has captured the hearts of viewers with its raw, honest portrayal of modern teen life. At the center of this whirlwind is Malakai Mitchell, a character whose journey of self-discovery has sparked conversations about sexual orientation and representation. Let’s move  into the halls of Hartley High and find the question on everyone’s mind.

Profile Summary

Show TitleHeartbreak High
Reboot Year2022
Original Air Date1994
Streaming PlatformNetflix
CreatorHannah Carroll Chapman
Main CharacterMalakai Mitchell
Actor Portraying MalakaiThomas Weatherall
Character’s Sexual OrientationBisexual
Key ThemesTeen romance, high school drama, sexual awakening
Diversity HighlightsQueer characters, racial and cultural representation

Is Malakai Gay in Heartbreak High?

Malakai’s character in Heartbreak High is depicted as bisexual. In Season One, his realization unfolds following a threesome with Dusty and Harper. This leads to a moment of introspection in the boys’ locker room, where he acknowledges his attraction to other guys. Malakai’s journey of understanding and accepting his sexual orientation mirrors the complexities many individuals face in real life. 

His portrayal adds depth to the show’s diverse representation, contributing to its celebration of LGBTQ+ characters. The reboot of Heartbreak High has been praised for its commitment to diversity and inclusion, providing authentic and relatable narratives that resonate with audiences globally. Malakai’s character is a vital part of this inclusive storytelling.

“Representation matters. Seeing characters like Malakai on screen can be life-changing for young people who are questioning their own identity.” – Bella English, cultural critic

Exploring the World of Hartley High

Hannah Carroll Chapman’s reboot of Heartbreak High takes viewers into the vibrant and complex world of Hartley High. The series, spanning eight episodes in its first season, explores the lives of students and teachers as they navigate teen romance, high school drama, sexual awakening, and racial tensions. Central to its appeal is the diverse cast, including queer and autistic characters, reflecting the rich tapestry of modern adolescence. 

The character of Malakai Mitchell, portrayed by Thomas Weatherall, exemplifies this diversity, with his journey of self-discovery and acceptance resonating deeply with audiences. As fans eagerly await news of a second season, Heartbreak High continues to be celebrated for its authentic and inclusive storytelling. It also moves headfirst into discussions about:

  • Consent and healthy relationships
  • Racial identity in contemporary Australia
  • Mental health challenges faced by teens
  • The complexities of gender identity

Diverse Student Life and Drama

Diverse Student Life and Drama

Heartbreak High delves into the vibrant and multifaceted lives of its students, seamlessly blending personal and social dramas. The series skillfully portrays a diverse group of characters navigating the complexities of high school life, from academic challenges and romantic entanglements to deep-seated friendships and rivalries. Additionally, each student brings unique perspectives and struggles, reflecting the varied experiences of adolescence.

As the drama unfolds through intense storylines, it touches upon themes of identity, acceptance, and resilience, thereby making the portrayal of student life both authentic and engaging. Consequently, this rich tapestry of experiences ensures that Heartbreak High resonates deeply with its audience.

Themes of Sexual Awakening and Identity

themes of sexual awakening and identity are central to the narrative, exploring the complex journey of self-discovery among teenagers. The series portrays characters grappling with their sexuality and personal identity, reflecting the real-life challenges of understanding one’s sexual orientation. Through Malakai Mitchell’s bisexuality and other characters’ experiences. 

The show delves into intimate moments of realization and acceptance. This portrayal not only enhances the depth of the characters but also offers viewers relatable and authentic stories. By addressing these themes with sensitivity and nuance, Heartbreak High fosters a greater understanding of the diverse experiences of youth today.

Racial and Cultural Representation

Heartbreak High excels in portraying racial and cultural representation, offering a rich and inclusive depiction of its diverse student body. The series integrates various cultural backgrounds and addresses racial issues with sensitivity and authenticity. Characters from different ethnicities and cultures are given prominent roles. 

Also contributing to a more realistic and multifaceted portrayal of high school life. This commitment to diversity not only enriches the narrative but also fosters greater understanding and empathy among viewers. By celebrating cultural differences and exploring racial dynamics, Heartbreak High sets a new standard for representation in modern television, reflecting a broader spectrum of real-world experiences.


Season 2 of “Heartbreak High” takes Malakai’s journey to new depths. We see him navigating the complexities of being an out bisexual teen in high school. The show doesn’t sugarcoat the challenges, depicting instances of biphobia and homophobia that Malakai faces from peers and even within the LGBTQ+ community. One of the most powerful moments comes when Malakai confronts a teammate who’s been making homophobic comments. 

It’s a scene that showcases Malakai’s growth and confidence in his identity, while also highlighting the ongoing work needed to create truly inclusive spaces. The season finale drops a bombshell that leaves fans reeling. Without giving too much away, let’s just say that Malakai’s actions have far-reaching consequences that will undoubtedly shape his character arc in future seasons.

Will Malakai be in Heartbreak High season 3?

Will Malakai be in Heartbreak High season 3?

As of now, there’s no official confirmation about whether Malakai Mitchell, portrayed by Thomas Weatherall, will return in Heartbreak High Season 3. However, the reboot of the beloved Australian series has garnered significant praise for its diverse and inclusive storytelling, particularly in portraying LGBTQ+ characters like Malakai. Consequently, fans have eagerly followed his journey and are hopeful for his return in the potential third season.

The show’s creators have kept plot details and casting decisions under wraps, which, in turn, has fueled anticipation and speculation among the audience. Given Malakai’s impactful storyline in the first two seasons, many are optimistic that his character will continue to be a part of the unfolding drama at Hartley High.


The Netflix reboot of Heartbreak High provides a nuanced portrayal of LGBTQ+ representation through the character of Malakai Mitchell. His journey of self-discovery and acceptance as a bisexual individual notably enriches the series’ commitment to authentic and diverse storytelling. Consequently, by incorporating Malakai’s experiences and delving into complex themes of sexual orientation.

The reboot continues to resonate with a global audience. Moreover, this inclusive approach not only enhances the show’s narrative depth but also reflects a broader commitment to representing varied experiences and identities in modern television. As the series progresses, it is clear that Malakai’s character remains a pivotal element of its diverse and relatable storyline.

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