By Megan Elser
The Science of Getting Rich is a book by Wallace D. Wattles. The book came out in 1910 and has been helping people ever since. The book shares insights into the law of attraction and principles around the idea of attraction. It was this book that inspired Rhonda Byrne to create the hit film The Secret in 2006.
Now there is a brand new movie about the principles in the book by acclaimed award winning filmmaker Douglas Vermeeren. Vermeeren is know for his previous personal development films The Opus (2008), The Gratitude Experiment (2013), The Treasure Map (2015) and How Thoughts Become Things (2020).
In this film Vermeeren explores the principles of the original Science of Getting Rich manuscript and has modern money experts and personal development leaders share their advice on how they principles can be applied in todays world.
The experts include Bob Proctor (Featured in The Secret -coincidentally this is the last footage that Proctor ever shot for a film), John Assaraf (Featured in The Secret), Joe Vitale (Featured in The Secret), John Demartini (Featured in The Secret), Marie Diamond (Featured in The Secret), Sharon Lechter (Rich Dad/Poor Dad), and newcomers Simon Davis, Matt Poechman, Emily Letran, Lana Wolf, Paul Preston and Angelika Ulsperger.
We had a chance to catch up with two of the experts from The Science of Getting Rich with a few questions:
1.How has the science of getting rich influenced your life?
Simon Davis: It has given me a different understanding of the word “rich” altogether. Also, understanding how to acquire the richness I desire through the science of getting rich and the universal laws behind it.
Matty Poechman: The science of getting rich has influenced my life immensely in so many ways. Learning that I held the power to create anything in this world by impressing my thoughts on the formless substance truly changed my life. Before being introduced to Wallace D wattles work I was unaware that I held the power. I lived my entire life by the circumstances in my environment. Without realizing I was allowing the external to control me on the inside. I was reacting to my world and not creating from within.
2.What advice would you have for someone looking to become more wealthy and abundant?
Simon Davis: Hire a mentor and a coach that has similar results to what you want.
Matty Poechman: My advice would be to follow the exact system to success as laid out in the principles of this book. Becoming abundant and wealthy and rich is truly a science. You must learn that science it starts with learning about how you use your thoughts to create! Many of us are on auto pilot most of our lives without realizing we hold the power to create. Advice would be to invest in studying. Learn as much and consume as much material on how to improve yourself. Wealth comes when you become the person who is wealthy. So who do you have to become?
3.What importance does the law of attraction have in creating success?
Simon Davis: Once one understands how the law of attraction actually works, it is very easy in creating the success that one desires. However, most people don’t truly understand the law of attraction.
Matty Poechman: The funny thing about the law of attraction is that even if you are unaware that it exists, it’s working in your life right now. I never learned about this law until recently, but once I understood it principles, I very quickly learned to harness its power and align myself in the vibration that would turn me into a magnet, attracting abundance in my life. The law of attraction is real and I have seen Work in my life firsthand ways and each time it fascinates me. It truly is a law and I highly recommend that you learn and study this law so you can be a Victor instead of a victim in this life.
4.What are some of the big mistakes that you see people making when it comes to applying the law of attraction?
Simon Davis: Not truly understanding how it works and that there’s a primary law below it called the law of vibration. Also, most people don’t attach an emotion to their thoughts, therefore, they don’t attract the good that they desire. The feeling of the wish fulfilled is vital to using the law of attraction properly.
Matty Poechman: In my opinion, the biggest mistake that people make in applying the law of attraction is trying to manifest their abundance by simply focussing on themselves. The primary law to the law of attraction is the law vibration and it is fundamental. Your feeling and your vibration is what will attract things in your environment to you. But that most people miss is taking action and forgetting about themselves. You must go out every day and take inspired action toward your goals while maintaining positive vibration. One of the best ways to maintain this vibration is by helping others. The law of attraction is not simply sitting and meditating, and thinking positive thoughts. It is absolutely taking action, being in the best vibration, helping others, and believing fully that this law is working perfectly and beautifully.
5.How important is goal setting in the process of applying the law of attraction?
Simon Davis: You must have a clear idea of your purpose and goals.
Matty Poechman: I think one of the most powerful things I have learned through personal development is that success is not gained by doing certain things, it is gained through doing things a certain way! This can be applied to goal setting. Most people write down their goals once or twice in their lifetime. Some may even have it on a whiteboard or vision board on their fridge. This is very much doing certain things. What I have learned is that when it comes to goal setting, it must be done a certain way. From the amazing and late Bob Proctor, I learned that that way is by writing out my goals, every single day, saying them out loud with conviction, as if they have already come to fruition, attaching and visualizing the image of achieving that goal. In that visualization, I attach my senses and attach great detail in building out that image. This is the principle of impressing our thought into our subconscious over and over through repetition. This certainly eventually changes our habits and our actions and eventually our results.
The movie The Science of Getting Rich is now available. You can see it at one of the live events or you can watch it online directly at