How to Use Acne Body Wash Without Causing Excessive Flaking

While benzoyl peroxide (BPO) acne body wash represents one of the world’s most widely used products for breakouts on the back and shoulders, it is known to cause irritation, dryness and in some cases flaking – particularly if it’s not used correctly. 

Designed to kill acne-causing bacteria and reduce the amount of oil on your skin, these BPO body washes can be used to great effect without leaving your skin tight, dry and sensitive. It just takes a little bit of fine-tuning to get the perfect blend. 

Start with the Right Concentration of Acne Body Wash

If you start using a BPO acne body wash and the product is too concentrated for your complexion, you’re going to experience dryness and irritation of some kind. It’s for this reason that manufacturers offer different strengths to cater for it. PanOxyl, for example, offers a 4% product and a 10%, so if you know you have sensitive skin, it’s best to start at the lowest level and see how things progress. 

The higher the concentration level is, the more likely it is to cause flakiness, so perhaps start with a 4% product, use as directed and if necessary, do a patch test on a small area to ensure that you’re not allergic to it. There’s no right or wrong answer here – just listen to your skin. 

Gently Introduce BPO Into Your Routine

When starting with benzoyl peroxide acne washes for the body and face, patience is key. As such, we recommend that you avoid overdoing it at the outset. Ideally, you should be using it twice a day, day in and day out, but you may need to begin by using it 2-3 times each week and gradually increase the frequency as your skin becomes more accustomed to it. 

When incorporating BPO body wash into your routine, it’s important not to overdo it from the start. Using it daily right away can shock your skin, leading to increased irritation and flaking.

Shorten the Contact Time

As you’ll find out when using BPO body washes regularly, it never pays to over-expose your skin to benzoyl peroxide, which includes the time it’s left on the skin. Products like these should be in contact with your skin for no longer than 1-2 minutes before you rinse it all off with lukewarm water. Leave it on too long and you can strip the skin’s natural oils and lead to flaking and peeling. 

Moisturize Right After Use

Another big tip for avoiding flaking is to apply a non-comedogenic, fragrance-free moisturizer after using benzoyl peroxide washes. As soon as you’ve come out of the shower (or bath), apply a moisturizer of this type and you’ll lock in the moisture while also creating a protective barrier. Look for moisturizers containing hydrating ingredients like ceramides, hyaluronic acid, or glycerin, which are particularly beneficial for dry or sensitive skin.

Avoid Hot Water & Excessive Scrubbing

Hot water can amplify the drying effects of BPO products by stripping your skin of its natural oils. That’s why you should use lukewarm water when washing while avoiding scrubbing your skin too vigorously. Use your hands or a soft cloth to apply the body wash, as rough exfoliation can also increase irritation and flaking.

Enjoying the Benefits of Acne Body Wash Without the Flaking

Benzoyl peroxide body wash is certainly a powerful solution for body acne, but it can cause flaking if not used correctly. As we’ve seen, however, it is avoidable. 

By choosing the right concentration, easing into use, limiting contact time, moisturizing regularly, and avoiding hot water and excessive scrubbing, you can prevent flaking and enjoy the clear skin benefits that these acne products offer. Incorporate these tips into your routine, and you’ll be able to use BPO effectively without any of the unwanted side effects.

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