Why Health Sharing Plans Are a Better Choice Than Traditional Insurance

It is difficult for most people in the United States to afford health insurance, considering that healthcare costs are increasing day by day. Health-sharing plans have become an effective alternative in such situations. They typically work on a community-based model whereby individuals get to share their medical costs with one another. Though technically not insurance, health-sharing plans do bring considerable financial relief to some.

What Are Health Sharing Plans?

Health sharing plans, more commonly known as health care sharing ministries or medical cost sharing, are organizations wherein the members share one another’s medical expenses. Traditionally, these plans usually have their basis in faith or shared values, but now there are organizations or companies that have these plans as well. Members pay a monthly fee into a shared fund, and when a member experiences a need for medical attention, the community fund helps to pay for that cost. Health-sharing plans are not structured under any state insurance laws, but they operate similarly to traditional insurance by serving to help members pay for medical expenses.

Health Sharing Plans vs. Traditional Insurance


Without question, one of the primary attractions of health-sharing plans is the acceptable cost. Traditional health insurance premiums have skyrocketed, coupled with very high deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses that bear down on many families. Health-sharing plans tend to have significantly lower monthly costs. This will give people good health and very cheap coverage as opposed to the high insurance premiums of the traditional plan. The structure of health-sharing plans is designed to maintain low administrative costs, providing savings to members.

More Freedom and Flexibility

Traditional insurance plans are very restrictive, often determining which doctors and hospitals you can and cannot visit. Health-sharing plans offer members a lot more freedom and flexibility to see whom they want for their healthcare needs. This freedom is important to individuals who wish to continue a long-standing relationship with a particular doctor or group of hospitals that may not be included in the traditional insurance network. Another point is that health-sharing plans are less bureaucratic than insurance companies, so it makes the whole membership process a lot easier to pursue.

Community Support

This element of community and shared responsibility sets health-sharing plans apart. A difference between other types of insurance companies and health-sharing plans is that profits are the main focus of the former, whereas the latter focuses on mutual aid. Many appreciate the fact that, when needed, their contributions are going toward helping other members, giving them a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves. This can be an emotional tie that may ensure your peace of mind, which is not always found in traditional companies.

Why Health Sharing Plans May Be the Better Option

Lower Monthly Fees

Generally, people who are normally healthy and do not require frequent visits to the physician’s office can financially benefit by choosing health-sharing programs. For people who do not need care by healthcare professionals, the ever-increasing premium price of traditional insurance is better spent on other things. Health-sharing programs offer an alternative at a lower monthly fee; thus, they allow their members to bank some money while still having coverage in place for larger, less predictable medical events.

Many health-sharing plans cost much less than other types of insurance, sometimes less than half the monthly contribution. For large families, this creates significant savings over time. Of course, health-sharing plans often result in greater out-of-pocket expenses when health care is needed. For the occasional user of medical services, though, saving may be worth the inconvenience.

Suitable for the Healthy Population

Traditional insurance plans are designed to cover a broad range of medical needs, so they include lots of people who require frequent or expensive care. The health-sharing plans are much better suited to people with healthier lifestyles. These plans cover less preventive care and routine visits and do not contribute nearly as much toward pre-existing conditions compared with traditional insurance. It will suit people who do not think they will be using many medical services.

A health-sharing plan can easily save you thousands of dollars if you are a preventive kind of individual, exercise regularly, and don’t have any chronic conditions.

Eliminate Excess Coverage

Traditional health insurance plans group together a variety of coverage areas. This was supposed to be convenient, but the truth of the matter is most – if not all – of these services are rarely needed by anyone. Pediatric dental care and mental health services are just two examples of the many extras that drive up the price of insurance. Health-sharing plans filter out the features that do not apply to your life. This streamlined approach zeroes in on areas of importance and hence targets your contributions to where you really need and care about them, therefore providing a more personalized healthcare solution.

No Annual Open Enrollment Requirement

While traditional plans come with coverage at enrollment, nowadays, such plans can be enrolled at any time. It may come in particularly handy when you have lost the traditional one or as a replacement when you missed open enrollment into health insurance. This way, access becomes much more feasible and practical when needed.


Health-sharing plans tend to be relatively less costly and more flexible than most insurance products; they tend to benefit especially healthy individuals and families in many ways. With fewer monthly fees, more freedom in choosing places to go for medical attention, and putting much more emphasis on the care of fellow community members, they do provide significant financial relief. These plans will not be suitable for everyone, especially those who suffer from pre-existing conditions or those with greater medical needs, but health-sharing plans are great when it comes to giving individualized coverage to someone who seeks affordability and simplicity in trying to control healthcare costs. For many of them, they represent, in this landscape, a smart and practical choice.

Disclaimer: MPB.Health memberships are a non-insurance solution designed to provide access to healthcare services. To determine if this aligns with your specific needs, we recommend consulting a certified expert advisor. 

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